Music Stats

The project was developed to help understand various artists and tracks, how they are performing in the world and information about their favourite artists with the help of various data analytics tools and graphs. It shows information such as

  • The albums that a track is linked to
  • The artists that participated in creating the track
  • The Album Markets, Total tracks in Album and release date
  • The popularity index of the track based on a 1 to 100 rating, available markets, track genres.
  • The artist popularity based on a 1 to 100 rating, different genre of music the artist participates in.
  • A chart of the top tracks by the artist showing different tracks and their popularity in different highlighted countries.
  • Audio analysis of the various tracks showing information such as acoustics, instrumentals etc
  • Each album track in the album with a short intro to them.

The service can still be accessed today and is used by various users all over the world for checking all sorts of information about artists and their tracks.

The project was developed using the free Spotify API and the Vuejs framework was used for the frontend.

Here is a link to view and use the project.