Contrast Ui Library

Contrast Bootstrap Library was also a project I worked on with some other developers. This was also a personal project and was one of the tools we developed for developers at devwares. It has different versions of the lirary but I was mainly involved in creating the React version of the lirary. This was built with React and styled with styled components and we used styled system for themeing. We also paackaged as an NPM package for developers to install in their project and can be easily imstalled with the command npm install cdbreact.

It is an open source UI lirary built with react and based on the popular library bootstrap. Contrast Design Bootstrap is an elegant bootstrap UI kit featuring over 2000+ basic components, which can be integrated with any react project to build mobile first, responsive and elegant websites and web apps.

Over 2000 components included with the admin dashboard, some of which are buttons, forms, alerts, datepickers, cards and many more.

Some features I implemented in the lirary include:

  • Built a robust set of reusable components using the react library and styled components
  • Ability to theme the various components using the styled system.
  • Used the create library package to generate a build for npm
  • Published an installable package on NPM

You can can click to see the project on github